The Bucharest University on Economic Studies is the first and only non-technical university in Romania which has piloted an international energy Master Programme (the Energy MBA), enabling early- and mid-career professionals to acquire the needed skills in a field with increasingly higher complexity. The Energy MBA is at an expansion point in its current development pathway in which it is seeking on the one hand to expand its applied research initiatives so that it can support energy policy development in Romania, and on the other fact to support public administration officials, public managers and decision-makers to get access to latest energy economics and energy policy facts and conversations. Through expanding its range of services and initiatives outside traditional teaching practices, the Energy MBA can shape the energy sector in Romania, embedding it with professionalism, know-how and an articulated plan for attracting low carbon investments. Additionally, ASE can rely on a vast network of faculties and associate lecturers for other transversals areas of study that may be of relevance for the target audience, based on the preliminary needs assessment we will be performing early in the project, such as project management, project valuation, investment management, marketing, etc.
Romania’s decarbonization process still faces considerable challenges, particularly with modernizing its heating and cooling systems. Despite significant reductions in direct emissions from the energy sector between 2005-2019, energy industries remain the biggest contributor to Romania’s GHG emissions (21% in 2019). The country’s National Energy and Climate Plan (NECP) aims to reduce ETS emissions by 43.9% by 2030 and increase renewable energy usage. However, the European Commission finds these targets insufficient given the economic feasibility.
Heating and cooling systems, primarily reliant on obsolete, polluting, and quasi-bankrupt coal-fired thermal plants, contribute heavily to emissions and poor air quality. Energy poverty is prevalent, with 40% of households using inefficient wood-burning stoves for heating. Approximately 2 million apartments disconnected from the centralized heating system in the past 15 years due to low service quality and high debts.
Biomass accounts for 14% of global primary energy consumption, and in Romania, it is mostly used inefficiently for household heating, contributing to conservation targets and illegal logging. Sustainable biomass is underutilized for electricity generation, which stands at approximately 0.5%.
The study recommends partnering with Norwegian institutions like SINTEF for sustainable biomass use, as Norway has significant experience and advanced modeling techniques for sustainable biomass usage for electricity production. This partnership hopes to shed light on sustainability, social acceptance, economic diversification promotion, green entrepreneurship, and decarbonization targets in Romania.
SINTEF Energi AS is a non-profit research institute in the SINTEF group and has about 250 employees working within electrical and thermal energy. The SINTEF group is the largest independent research organisation in Scandinavia, with about 2000 employees. SINTEF is a non-commercial organisation, and the profits of the contract research projects are invested into new research, scientific equipment and competence development. In recent years, investments have been made in SINTEF Energy Lab, the world’s first laboratory building to achieve passive house standards, and several other laboratories that serve as national infrastructures. SINTEF does contract research for both industry and government in the national and international market. SINTEF Energi has a leading national position in Norway as an R& D provider in energy efficiency, energy processes, energy recovery, refrigeration and heat pumping technologies, gas technology, thermo‐ and fluid dynamics, and thermo‐chemical conversion processes (gasification and combustion). SINTEF has coordinated and participated in several EU Framework projects, as well as ongoing and relevant H2020 and Horizon Europe projects, as well as a multitude of national research projects funded by the Research Council of Norway and industrial stakeholders.
The objectives for this project and which we intend to pursue within this bilateral research and stakeholder engagement project are the following:
- to analyze the options available at national level to reduce the country’s GHG emissions from fossil fuel energy sources and to improve the performance of existing thermal and cogeneration plants
- to analyze the current state of the biomass market in Romania
- to co-create together with relevant stakeholders a mapping of the biomass legislative and regulatory landscape in Romania
- to identify the high-potential towns and cities for introducing modern heating solutions
- to present to relevant Romanian stakeholders best practices and case studies from Norway on using sustainable biomass and especially on using black pellets as an alternative to coal
- to perform a complex analysis on the market feasibility (including aspects related to regulation, certification and value chain analysis) of introducing sustainable biomass technologies, especially black pellets, in the Romanian energy sector
- to perform a case study for a coal to biomass industrial transformation process at Paroșeni power plant
- to disseminate the results of our multidisciplinary research in scientific journals and through tailored communication channels with relevant stakeholders and the public at large
Project manager:
Cătălina Nedelcu, Lecturer PhD, e-mail: catalina.nedelcu@fabiz.ase.ro
Vă invităm în data de 13 septembrie 2023, 14:00 – 18:00 să participați la workshop-ul final din cadrul proiectului de cercetare aplicată The Potential for Sustainable Biomass in the Romanian Energy Sector. Workshop-ul va avea loc în clădirea sala Virgil Madgearu, din clădirea Victor Slăvescu situată în Piața Romană, nr. 6, București.
Proiectul s-a desfășurat în perioada Ianuarie – August 2023 de către Academia de Studii Economice din București, în parteneriat cu SINTEF – centru de cercetare din Norvegia și a fost finanțat din Fondul pentru Relații Bilaterale din cadrul Mecanismului Financiar EEA/ Norvegia 2014-2021. Proiectul a avut drept obiectiv identificarea potențialului utilizării biomasei sustenabile în sectorul energetic din România.
Proiectul a urmărit să evalueze potențialul de utilizare durabilă a biomasei în sectorul energetic românesc în atingerea obiectivelor de decarbonizare și competitivitate ale sectorului.
În cadrul acestui workshop vom prezenta principalele constatări și vom colecta feedback și perspective suplimentare de la părțile interesate, cercetători, specialiști, decidenți publici și reprezentanți ai mediului de afaceri.
Aici găsiți anexată agenda preliminară a evenimentului.
Vă rugăm să confirmați participarea până pe data de 7 septembrie 2023, utilizând următorul link:
A5. The Potential for Sustainable Biomass in the Romanian Energy Sector
A6. The Potential for Sustainable Biomass in the Romanian Energy Sector. A financial perspective
A7. Diagnostics – analysis of coal-fired power plants in Romania
A8. An assessment of potential biomass switch at municipal level in Romania
A9. Assessment of investment patterns and instrument in the energy sector
A10. Mapping of new technologies for sustainable biomass in the energy sector
A13. Value chain analysis for potential black pellets investments
A15. International best practice models on using biomass in the energy field
July 21, 2023

The Bucharest University on Economic Studies is the first and only non-technical university in Romania which has piloted an international energy Master Programme (the Energy MBA), enabling early- and mid-career professionals to acquire the needed skills in a field with increasingly higher complexity. The Energy MBA is at an expansion point in its current development pathway in which it is seeking on the one hand to expand its applied research initiatives so that it can support energy policy development in Romania, and on the other fact to support public administration officials, public managers and decision-makers to get access to latest energy economics and energy policy facts and conversations. Through expanding its range of services and initiatives outside traditional teaching practices, the Energy MBA can shape the energy sector in Romania, embedding it with professionalism, know-how and an articulated plan for attracting low carbon investments. Additionally, ASE can rely on a vast network of faculties and associate lecturers for other transversals areas of study that may be of relevance for the target audience, based on the preliminary needs assessment we will be performing early in the project, such as project management, project valuation, investment management, marketing, etc.
Romania’s decarbonization process still faces considerable challenges, particularly with modernizing its heating and cooling systems. Despite significant reductions in direct emissions from the energy sector between 2005-2019, energy industries remain the biggest contributor to Romania’s GHG emissions (21% in 2019). The country’s National Energy and Climate Plan (NECP) aims to reduce ETS emissions by 43.9% by 2030 and increase renewable energy usage. However, the European Commission finds these targets insufficient given the economic feasibility.
Heating and cooling systems, primarily reliant on obsolete, polluting, and quasi-bankrupt coal-fired thermal plants, contribute heavily to emissions and poor air quality. Energy poverty is prevalent, with 40% of households using inefficient wood-burning stoves for heating. Approximately 2 million apartments disconnected from the centralized heating system in the past 15 years due to low service quality and high debts.
Biomass accounts for 14% of global primary energy consumption, and in Romania, it is mostly used inefficiently for household heating, contributing to conservation targets and illegal logging. Sustainable biomass is underutilized for electricity generation, which stands at approximately 0.5%.
The study recommends partnering with Norwegian institutions like SINTEF for sustainable biomass use, as Norway has significant experience and advanced modeling techniques for sustainable biomass usage for electricity production. This partnership hopes to shed light on sustainability, social acceptance, economic diversification promotion, green entrepreneurship, and decarbonization targets in Romania.
SINTEF Energi AS is a non-profit research institute in the SINTEF group and has about 250 employees working within electrical and thermal energy. The SINTEF group is the largest independent research organisation in Scandinavia, with about 2000 employees. SINTEF is a non-commercial organisation, and the profits of the contract research projects are invested into new research, scientific equipment and competence development. In recent years, investments have been made in SINTEF Energy Lab, the world’s first laboratory building to achieve passive house standards, and several other laboratories that serve as national infrastructures. SINTEF does contract research for both industry and government in the national and international market. SINTEF Energi has a leading national position in Norway as an R& D provider in energy efficiency, energy processes, energy recovery, refrigeration and heat pumping technologies, gas technology, thermo‐ and fluid dynamics, and thermo‐chemical conversion processes (gasification and combustion). SINTEF has coordinated and participated in several EU Framework projects, as well as ongoing and relevant H2020 and Horizon Europe projects, as well as a multitude of national research projects funded by the Research Council of Norway and industrial stakeholders.
The objectives for this project and which we intend to pursue within this bilateral research and stakeholder engagement project are the following:
- to analyze the options available at national level to reduce the country’s GHG emissions from fossil fuel energy sources and to improve the performance of existing thermal and cogeneration plants
- to analyze the current state of the biomass market in Romania
- to co-create together with relevant stakeholders a mapping of the biomass legislative and regulatory landscape in Romania
- to identify the high-potential towns and cities for introducing modern heating solutions
- to present to relevant Romanian stakeholders best practices and case studies from Norway on using sustainable biomass and especially on using black pellets as an alternative to coal
- to perform a complex analysis on the market feasibility (including aspects related to regulation, certification and value chain analysis) of introducing sustainable biomass technologies, especially black pellets, in the Romanian energy sector
- to perform a case study for a coal to biomass industrial transformation process at Paroșeni power plant
- to disseminate the results of our multidisciplinary research in scientific journals and through tailored communication channels with relevant stakeholders and the public at large
Project manager:
Cătălina Nedelcu, Lecturer PhD, e-mail: catalina.nedelcu@fabiz.ase.ro
Vă invităm în data de 13 septembrie 2023, 14:00 – 18:00 să participați la workshop-ul final din cadrul proiectului de cercetare aplicată The Potential for Sustainable Biomass in the Romanian Energy Sector. Workshop-ul va avea loc în clădirea sala Virgil Madgearu, din clădirea Victor Slăvescu situată în Piața Romană, nr. 6, București.
Proiectul s-a desfășurat în perioada Ianuarie – August 2023 de către Academia de Studii Economice din București, în parteneriat cu SINTEF – centru de cercetare din Norvegia și a fost finanțat din Fondul pentru Relații Bilaterale din cadrul Mecanismului Financiar EEA/ Norvegia 2014-2021. Proiectul a avut drept obiectiv identificarea potențialului utilizării biomasei sustenabile în sectorul energetic din România.
Proiectul a urmărit să evalueze potențialul de utilizare durabilă a biomasei în sectorul energetic românesc în atingerea obiectivelor de decarbonizare și competitivitate ale sectorului.
În cadrul acestui workshop vom prezenta principalele constatări și vom colecta feedback și perspective suplimentare de la părțile interesate, cercetători, specialiști, decidenți publici și reprezentanți ai mediului de afaceri.
Aici găsiți anexată agenda preliminară a evenimentului.
Vă rugăm să confirmați participarea până pe data de 7 septembrie 2023, utilizând următorul link:
A5. The Potential for Sustainable Biomass in the Romanian Energy Sector
A6. The Potential for Sustainable Biomass in the Romanian Energy Sector. A financial perspective
A7. Diagnostics – analysis of coal-fired power plants in Romania
A8. An assessment of potential biomass switch at municipal level in Romania
A9. Assessment of investment patterns and instrument in the energy sector
A10. Mapping of new technologies for sustainable biomass in the energy sector
A13. Value chain analysis for potential black pellets investments
A15. International best practice models on using biomass in the energy field