Assoc. Prof. ANAGNOSTE Sorin, PhD

  • ABUKHARMA Bassam
    Organizational dimensions and their relationship with decision-making

  • BADIU Irina
    Innovative strategies for building scalable business applications using generative Artificial Intelligence: Frameworks, best practices, and performance metrics

  • DUMITRU Alexandra-Mihaela
    Empowering business services through generative artificial intelligence: A pathway to innovation and growth

  • GALANI Șerban – Vladimir
    Business-2-Business marketplaces growth strategies: Data-enabled learning, network effects and competitive advantage
  • NAZARE Alexandru
    Economic warfare and Romania: Proactive approaches to protect the business environment, development and resilience

  • ROTARU George Cristinel
    Growing business strategies using applied artificial intelligence

Assoc. Prof. BUSU Mihail, PhD

  • BUTA Costin-Andrei
    Communication strategies in complex business contexts for successful collaborative innovation

  • GRASU Stelian
    Research regarding the energy market in the context of the transition to a climate neutral economy

  • POPP Ruxandra-Mădălina
    Tax incentive measures of excise duties for energy products
  • SHAKIR Ahmed Hasan Shakir
    Transformation of business models post Covid in East European and Middle Eastern economies

  • VRISCU Mihai
    Entrepreneurial strategies for increasing the performance of the companies in the insurance brokerage sector

Prof. CARAIANI Petre, PhD

  • BORZA Tiberiu
    Post-pandemic transformations of the labour market

  • ENE Dragoș-Matei
    Integration of Artificial Intelligence in decision-making processes of banks

Prof. DIMA Alina Mihaela, PhD

  • RĂDOI Mirelle – Carmen
    Modele de evaluare a performanței academice. Oportunități și provocări în era digitală

  • SAFTIUC Bogdan Paul
    The digital transformation impact on the leadership and organizational culture

Prof. DINCA Violeta Mihaela, PhD

  • BLANUȚĂ Bianca – Alexandra
    Analiza contextuală a nevoilor de reconversie socio-profesională a angajaților

  • BOGOEVICI Flavia
    Analyzing the effects of digitalization in shaping business strategies of multinational companies in the Romanian geopolitical landscape

  • GÎNGIOVEANU – LUPULESCU Grigoraș – Mihnea
    Mitigarea fraudelor cibernetice prin intermediul optimizării colaborărilor în mediul online: dezvoltarea unei platforme care să faciliteze verificarea identității unei companii la nivelul UE precum și emiterea de recenzii transparente

  • ION Iulian
    EU energy security challenges in the new geo-political context

    Economic impact of Romania’s top 3 energy companies for the national economy

  • SANDU Mihai
    Assessing the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on the national and European business environment and the influence of digitalisation on economic recovery

  • TROCINESCU Beatrice
    Effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on national and global entrepreneurship

  • ZAMFIR Francisca – Elena
    Globalizarea și eficientizarea proceselor în cadrul unei companii multinaționale. Alinierea proceselor la nivel global și importanța transferului de cunoștințe între filiale

Prof. PAUNESCU Carmen, PhD

  • CIOBANU Emanuel
    Strengthening innovation partnerships to foster a fair green transition and to future-proof the business

  • GĂMAN (POLEC) Ioana
    Artificial Intelligence innovation of tourism businesses

  • MATEI I. Gina
    Managing innovation and performance in public vs. private organizations

  • MÁTYUS Enikö
    The role of business incubators supporting small cities for sustainable community development

  • PĂTRĂȘCOIU Diana – Andreea
    The impact of digital transformation on organizational culture and employee motivation

  • TORJESCU Ana-Maria
    Fostering a culture of impactful innovation for business future-proofing

  • VAVURĂ Nicolae – Marius
    A tiered digitalization framework for innovation and sustainable business growth

Prof. TANTAU Adrian Dumitru, PhD

  • FILIP Iuliu Antonio
    Sustainable strategies for energy storage in the context of proliferation of renewable energy and the net zero emissions goals

  • HRISTESCU Cătălin – Ion
    Research on the sustainability of hydrogen business models

  • MIRCEA Anișoara
    Sustainable business models for the transition from
    business-as-usual to zero carbon economy

  • NEGREA Gabriela – Camelia
    Cercetări privind rolul biogazului în strategia de decarbonizare a Europei și în tranzitia spre energia verde în contextul unei dezvoltări sustenabile

  • OCENIC Elena – Loredana
    Assessment of the role of green hydrogen for the economic sector coupling of power and industry – the case of Romania within the European Green Deal
  • PAMFILE Lucian – Valentin
    Realities and challenges in the energy transition of Europe and the world