Doctoral School of Business Administration II
Since 2010, the doctoral studies are carried out at the Bucharest University of Economic Studies in the field of Social Sciences, the branch of sciences Economics, the doctoral field of Business Administration within the Doctoral School of Business Administration, which brings together academic supervisors from the Faculty of Business and Tourism and from the Faculty of Business Administration with teaching in foreign languages.
Following the University Senate Decision no. 82 of 13.05.2024 and the Order of the Minister of Education no. 6697 published in M.O. no. 979 of 30.09.2024, the Doctoral School of Business Administration is reorganized into the Doctoral School of Business Administration I (Faculty of Business and Tourism) and the Doctoral School of Business Administration II (Faculty of Business Administration with teaching in foreign languages – FABIZ). FABIZ was established in 1991, under the name of the Faculty of Economic Studies in Foreign Languages, with all study programs taught exclusively in foreign languages (English, French and German), at bachelor’s and master’s level. FABIZ is known as the most internationalized faculty within the Bucharest University of Economic Studies and one of the most dynamic business schools in Romania and Southeast Europe.
Currently, the doctoral studies within the Doctoral School of Business Administration II are conducted in Romanian and English. The doctoral programme of Business Administration stands out for its dynamism and international openness, managing to attract a significant number of doctoral students from Romania, and from other countries such as Germany, Vietnam, Palestine and Iraq.
In the academic year 2024-2025, within the Doctoral School of Business Administration II, 11 members are active, all of them being University full-time faculty. The doctoral research topics supervised at the level of the Doctoral School of Business Administration II address multidisciplinary research in fields corresponding to the scientific competence of its members and collaborators, as well as in accordance with the development trends of science.
The main research directions include: (1) innovation and entrepreneurship, (2) energy transition and sustainability, (3) strategy, defence, public order and intelligence, and (4) artificial intelligence, blockchain and digital economy.