Assoc. Prof. ANAGNOSTE Sorin, PhD
Organizational dimensions and their relationship with decision-makingBADIU Irina
Innovative strategies for building scalable business applications using generative Artificial Intelligence: Frameworks, best practices, and performance metricsDUMITRU Alexandra-Mihaela
Empowering business services through generative artificial intelligence: A pathway to innovation and growth- GALANI Șerban – Vladimir
Business-2-Business marketplaces growth strategies: Data-enabled learning, network effects and competitive advantage NAZARE Alexandru
Economic warfare and Romania: Proactive approaches to protect the business environment, development and resilienceROTARU George Cristinel
Growing business strategies using applied artificial intelligence
Assoc. Prof. BUSU Mihail, PhD
BUTA Costin-Andrei
Communication strategies in complex business contexts for successful collaborative innovationGRASU Stelian
Research regarding the energy market in the context of the transition to a climate neutral economy- POPP Ruxandra-Mădălina
Tax incentive measures of excise duties for energy products SHAKIR Ahmed Hasan Shakir
Transformation of business models post Covid in East European and Middle Eastern economiesVRISCU Mihai
Entrepreneurial strategies for increasing the performance of the companies in the insurance brokerage sector
Prof. CARAIANI Petre, PhD
BORZA Tiberiu
Post-pandemic transformations of the labour marketENE Dragoș-Matei
Integration of Artificial Intelligence in decision-making processes of banks
Prof. DIMA Alina Mihaela, PhD
RĂDOI Mirelle – Carmen
Modele de evaluare a performanței academice. Oportunități și provocări în era digitalăSAFTIUC Bogdan Paul
The digital transformation impact on the leadership and organizational culture
Prof. DINCA Violeta Mihaela, PhD
BLANUȚĂ Bianca – Alexandra
Analiza contextuală a nevoilor de reconversie socio-profesională a angajațilorBOGOEVICI Flavia
Analyzing the effects of digitalization in shaping business strategies of multinational companies in the Romanian geopolitical landscapeGÎNGIOVEANU – LUPULESCU Grigoraș – Mihnea
Mitigarea fraudelor cibernetice prin intermediul optimizării colaborărilor în mediul online: dezvoltarea unei platforme care să faciliteze verificarea identității unei companii la nivelul UE precum și emiterea de recenzii transparenteION Iulian
EU energy security challenges in the new geo-political contextMĂRGĂRITESCU Ștefan
Economic impact of Romania’s top 3 energy companies for the national economySANDU Mihai
Assessing the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on the national and European business environment and the influence of digitalisation on economic recoveryTROCINESCU Beatrice
Effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on national and global entrepreneurshipZAMFIR Francisca – Elena
Globalizarea și eficientizarea proceselor în cadrul unei companii multinaționale. Alinierea proceselor la nivel global și importanța transferului de cunoștințe între filiale
Prof. PAUNESCU Carmen, PhD
Strengthening innovation partnerships to foster a fair green transition and to future-proof the businessGĂMAN (POLEC) Ioana
Artificial Intelligence innovation of tourism businessesMATEI I. Gina
Managing innovation and performance in public vs. private organizationsMÁTYUS Enikö
The role of business incubators supporting small cities for sustainable community developmentPĂTRĂȘCOIU Diana – Andreea
The impact of digital transformation on organizational culture and employee motivationTORJESCU Ana-Maria
Fostering a culture of impactful innovation for business future-proofingVAVURĂ Nicolae – Marius
A tiered digitalization framework for innovation and sustainable business growth
Prof. TANTAU Adrian Dumitru, PhD
FILIP Iuliu Antonio
Sustainable strategies for energy storage in the context of proliferation of renewable energy and the net zero emissions goalsHRISTESCU Cătălin – Ion
Research on the sustainability of hydrogen business modelsMIRCEA Anișoara
Sustainable business models for the transition from
business-as-usual to zero carbon economyNEGREA Gabriela – Camelia
Cercetări privind rolul biogazului în strategia de decarbonizare a Europei și în tranzitia spre energia verde în contextul unei dezvoltări sustenabile- OCENIC Elena – Loredana
Assessment of the role of green hydrogen for the economic sector coupling of power and industry – the case of Romania within the European Green Deal
PAMFILE Lucian – Valentin
Realities and challenges in the energy transition of Europe and the world